The following reference contains a brief description of each of the
eight Sigma Chess menus.
The File Menu
The File menu contains the standard file operations applied to chess
New Game Window Opens a new game window.
New Collection... Creates and
opens a new empty collection.
New Library... Creates and opens
a new empty position library.
Open... Displays a dialog, where
you can open a Sigma Chess document (games, collections, libraries, PGN
files, etc.).
Save Saves the contents of the
front most window, e.g. a game window. If there is no file associated with
the game, a standard save-dialog will be opened. It is disabled for collection
windows, because for collections, changes are saved automatically on disk.
Save As... Saves the current
window under a new name.
Close Closes the front window.
Export to HTML... Exports the frontmost
game or collection window to HTML.
Page Setup... Opens the
standard Page Setup dialog.
Print... Prints the current
window, e.g. all moves of the current game including annotations and diagrams.
For collections, only the selected games are printed.
Preferences... Opens
the Sigma Chess Preferences Dialog. Under OS X this
command is located in the application menu next to the Apple menu.
Quit Quits Sigma Chess. Under OS X this
command is located in the application menu next to the Apple menu.
The Edit Menu
All items in the Edit menu apply to the Annotation Editor.
Undo Undo last change
(can be applied repeatedly).
Redo Redo last change (can be applied
Cut Cut selected text/game to clipboard.
Copy Copy selected text/game/position/analysis
to clipboard.
Paste Paste text/game/position from clipboard.
Clear Clear selected text.
Select All Select all text.
Find... Opens the standard search/replace dialog.
Find Next Find next occurrence of search-text.
Replace Replace selected text with new text.
Replace & Find Next Replace
selected text and find next occurrence of search-text.
Replace All Replace all occurrences
of search-text with replace-text from cursor.
The Game Menu
The Game menu contains commands for take back and replay of moves,
as well as access to the Position Editor
and the Game Information dialog.
New Game Starts a new
game in the current window.
New Rated Game... Starts a new rated game in the current window.
Branch Game Opens a new game
window and copies all moves from the start of the current game up to the
current position.
Undo Move Takes back the last
played half move. This command can also be invoked through the left arrow
key on the keyboard.
Redo Move Replays the next
half move. This command can also be invoked through the right arrow key
on the keyboard.
Undo All Moves Takes
back all moves to the beginning of the game. This command can also be invoked
by holding down the option (alt) key and then pressing the left arrow key.
Redo All Moves Replays
all moves to the end of the game. This command can also be invoked by holding
down the option (alt) key and then pressing the right arrow key.
Go To Move... Jumps directly
to a specific move, more precisely to the position prior to the specified
move number. You can also double click on the move in the move list.
Clear Rest of Game
Removes all moves after the current position.
Position Editor Opens/closes
the Position Editor.
Annotation Editor Opens/closes
the Annotation Editor.
Clear Annotations Clears all annotation
text for the current game.
Add to Collection Adds (attaches) the
game to the selected game collection.
Detach from Collection Detaches the
game window from it's collection. The game is not removed from the
Info... Opens the
Game Information dialog.
The Analyze Menu
The Analyze menu controls the actual chess engine.
Go Starts analyzing the
current position. This command can also be invoked by pressing the spacebar.
Next Best Starts analyzing
the current position, looking for alternative moves.
Stop Stops the search and plays
the best move so far (unless Manual Play
is on). This command can also be invoked by pressing the spacebar.
Pause Pauses the current game
and stops the chess clocks.
Hint Displays a move hint,
i.e. the move that Sigma Chess considers to be your best choice in the
current position.
Play Main Line Plays Sigma Chess's
"Main Line" on the board.
Draw Offer Lets the
player offer a draw after having performed a move (i.e. while Sigma Chess
is thinking).
Resign Lets you resign the current game
if it's your turn to move. Stops the chess clocks and updates the game
result accordingly.
Auto Play Instructs Sigma
Chess to play for both sides until the end of the game or the search is
stopped. It is disabled in manual mode
and in the analysis level.
Demo Play Starts
a continuous sequence of "Auto Played" games.
Analyze Game...
Analyzes the current game and stores the search results as annotation text
for each move.
Analyze Collection...
Analyzes and annotates the games of the currently loaded collection starting with
the currently opened collection game.
Analyze EPD... Analyzes a multi
position EPD file and stores the search result in a text file with one
line per position.
Transposition Tables...
Sets the size of the transposition tables
or turns them off.
Endgame Databases
Enables the endgame databases for certain
The Level Menu
The Level menu gives access to the various playing levels, modes
and styles.
Playing Mode & Level...
Opens the main Level
dialog, where you can select playing mode and level.
Playing Style This submenu
specifies the playing style adopted by Sigma Chess.
Permanent Brain If this option
is off, Sigma Chess will not think during its opponent's time. This
reduces the playing strength somewhat. When the option is on (default),
Sigma Chess tries to predict your next move and starts analyzing the resulting
position. In case you should happen to play the predicted move, Sigma Chess
can respond quickly and thus save time on its own clock.
Non-deterministic If this
option is on, Sigma Chess is non-deterministic, i.e. it will choose randomly
among equally good moves.
Sigma Chess Rating...
Lets you specify Sigma Chess's playing strength (ELO rating).
Player Rating...
This dialog tracks your own rating performance obtained from the rated games you
have played against Sigma Chess.
ELO Calculator...
Opens the ELO Calculator dialog.
The Display Menu
The Display menu controls the various display settings, including
piece sets and boards, colours etc.
Turn Board Turns the board 180°.
Piece Set Selects the 2D
piece set. This facility is also available when setting up positions, when
promoting and when using the Library
Editor. This submenu is also available as a popup menu by holding down
the ctrl-key and clicking on any piece on the board.
Board Type Selects one
of the 2D boards. This submenu is also available as a popup menu by holding
down the ctrl-key and clicking on any empty square on the board.
Board Size Change the size of the
front game window.
Move Marker Enables/disables move
markers (i.e. frames from and to squares of the most recently performed move).
Toggle Info Pane Shows or hides
the info pane in the right side of the game window by resizing the window
accordingly. Under OS X you can also do this by clicking the green title
bar button (under OS 9 click the "restore" button in the top right corner
of the window).
Notation This submenu lets
you choose figurine notation, as well as either short or long algebraic
notation. The figurine notation applies to all places where moves are being
displayed, whereas short algebraic notation only applies to the game record
and when printing.
Piece Letters Select
the move notation language for move display, print and PGN export. Default
is English.
Game Info Filter...
Opens a dialog where you can specify which parts of the game information
(which can be viewed/set in the Game Information dialog) to show in the move
list and on printouts.
3D Board Toggles between
2D and 3D mode. This option is disabled if the 3D board has not been enabled
in the Preferences Dialog, or if Sigma Chess has
not been assigned sufficient memory.
Show 3D Clocks Shows
or hides the chess clocks below the 3D board.
Colour Scheme Lets
you to customize the background colour. It is also available as a popup menu
by clicking in the summary area.
Toolbar at Top Positions (toggles) the
main toolbar of game/collection windows at the top or bottom.
The Collection Menu
The Collection menu contains various commands for manipulating game
Edit Filter...
Lets you define/edit a collection game filter.
Enable Filter Enables/disables
the current game filter.
Open Game Opens the
currently selected game in a new game window.
Previous Game Opens
the previous collection game in the existing game window.
Next Game Opens the
next collection game in the existing game window.
Layout... Opens the Collection
Layout dialog, where you set the formatting (e.g. page breaks, heading
type) of each collection game.
Import PGN...
Imports all games from a PGN file into the current collection (after the
last game).
Export PGN...
Exports the selected games to a PGN file.
Compact Compacts
currently loaded collection by discarding unused space in the collection
file. This will reduce the size of a fragmented collection.
Move/Renumber... Moves/renumbers
the selected games.
Info... Opens
the Collection Info dialog.
The Library Menu
The Library menu contains commands for saving and editing position
libraries. Editing is disabled in the Lite version.
Sigma Library
This menu item shows the name of the currently loaded position library
(which per default is the "Sigma Library").
Sigma Chess Access Defines which moves
Sigma Chess will play from the position library. The position library can also
be completely disabled here.
Library Editor Opens/closes
the position library editor.
ECO/Comment... Sets ECO
code and/or comment/name for the current position.
Import Collection... Imports
the selected games in the frontmost collection window to the currently
loaded position library.
Save Saves the current position library.
Save As... Saves the current
position library under a different name.
The Window Menu
The Window menu is a dynamic menu which includes a "list" of the
currently opened windows.
The Sigma Chess 6 User's Manual - Copyright (C) 2002, Ole K. Christensen
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